Monday, June 27, 2005

Iran Sets Stage for Nuclear Showdown

Iran Vows to Restart Nuke Program

The Washington Times

TEHRAN -- Iran's hard-line president-elect, at once defiant and at ease, vowed yesterday to restart the nation's nuclear energy program and told European negotiators that building trust required a mutual effort.

Iran is a major exporter of oil and has no valid reasons (or bad reasons) to have a nuclear program. Iran has made no secret of it's desires to push Israel into the sea and calling the United States of America the "great satan". It is clear that Iran is looking for a nuclear showdown with the West, more specifically Israel and the United States. It is a shame that this Islamic theocracy continues to denounce that the "theory" that Islam is a religion of peace by their words and actions.


Blogger Zeppellina said...

I often find it almost inconceivable to believe that people could be so short-sighted, so bigoted and so self-absorbed as the author of this blog.

Iran is looking to the future, and it`s about time the US did so too.

WAKEY-WAKEY....the worlds resources are fast running one of the largest consumers on this planet of oil, the US should really have to wake up to this fact soon.

Iran has every right to nuclear energy in the same way as any other country.

Oh...I`m sorry, I forgot...the Bush Administration is of the opinion that they can aggress and bully the rest of the world into their picture of how the world should be.
Only they can have weapons of mass destruction...only they can have nuclear
power. May I remind you that so far on this tiny planet of ours, the US is the only country to frequently have used weapons of mass destruction ....atomic and chemical.
You are a sad bigot..with no love of humanity. As long as you are all right, then you are quite content for the rest of the world to suffer.
I know this might be difficult for you, as the view looks so good to you...but try prising your head out of your posterior,and take a good look at reality.
My god, don`t you realise it`s stupid aggressive posturing such as you are doing here, that makes people have a very dim view of the US?
And by the way, Europe is not crumbling, haven`t got a clue...the discussions and debates (a concept obviously alien to you), going on in Europe is not that there is a problem in having a United Europe....far from`s about which of two types of united Europe. You really know nothing about world politics.
And for your information...Iran was becoming more liberal until Bush started pushing them into a corner by aggressive posturing.
If he had kept his big aggressive ignorant mouth shut, the liberal candidate would have been president, and things would have been a lot better.
He actually swung the tide back to the far right all by will take years to get back to the same position now, courtesy of US aggression and bungling.
George Bush has done more for the Fundamentalist Islamic `cause` than any other person on this planet.
Also...I am usually a fairly polite and well mannered person..I do not get angry easily...your blog, and your bigoted views inspire severe irritation.
Doesn`t this give you a step for a hint about current US policy?

6/30/2005 03:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the fantasy world of Zeppellina. Where Iranians who fund Hezbollah to help the Arabs destroy the state of Israel is a peace loving country where only clerics appoint the contenders for the office of the President. Iran, with one of the largest preserves of oil wants to develop nuclear energy peacefully. So peacefully they have declared that once they rid Israel with their weapons, the middle east will be peacefull again. A country for a love of humanity by stoning women whose husbands want divorces, by beheading men who convert away from Islam, and ban freedom of thought and expression with patrolling clerical police whipping people who hold hands in public.

A Europe where the state is superior to man and God. Where the great FAILED experiment of communism is disguised as 'socialism'.

Oh, and if the WMD weren't used, there would have been a million American dead at minimum in the invastion of Japan. I'll trade off 100,000 dead enemie soldiers over a million of American soldiers any day.

God help you.

6/30/2005 03:46:00 PM  
Blogger Zeppellina said...

You really are quite, quite mad, Tito...

7/08/2005 05:58:00 PM  

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