BBC Bias Shows Liberal Streak of Media
Spaniards to stage anti-gay rally
Thousands of people are expected to take to the streets of Madrid to protests against government moves to legalize gay marriage. The protests will be led by Roman Catholic bishops and members of the conservative opposition Popular Party.
(click here for the rest of the article)
The BBC has shown its true colors by the title of their article. For months the Vatican and the Spanish opposition party has repeatedly called this rally the “Pro-Family” rally. The BBC in order to support their liberal agenda has relabeled it as the “anti-gay” rally.
For years here in the U.S. the people have criticized the media, both domestic and foreign, as having a liberal streak in its reporting. So much so that the big three television networks, the BBC, CNN, the New York Times and the Washington Post has saturated the market with their liberal reporting. Anchors such as Walter Cronkite, Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, et al, have hammered their liberal agenda upon the people of this great nation. With the advent of the “New Media”, i.e., the internet, we have seen an explosion of alternative news sources due in (no) thanks to many years of liberal bias by the big three networks, the BBC, CNN, the New York Times and the Washington Post.
This has what may in the future be called a renaissance in news coverage where the truth can be reported without the “liberal” filter so to speak. From the emergence of the Fox News Channel to the boom in books sales expressing political commentary.
You would think that the BBC would notice and be more careful in their interpretation, as opposed to their reporting, of events by toning down their apparent liberal bias.
Why not titling their article “Marriage Debate” or “Rally for Marriage” being that it is a bit more neutral. Well, they aren’t that smart are they?
I guess the BBC will find out the hard way just like the big three networks, CNN, the New York Times and the Washington Post via decreased viewership and falling circulations just how wrongheaded their liberal interpretations of events have caused their continued demise and influence.
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