Monday, June 20, 2005

The NY Times, Europe, and History

What did they expect? or the dangers of being a moral Don Quixote

The New York Times reports the shocking news:“Failed Summit Talks Expose Union Abyss”.

Something shattered in Europe on Friday night.

The leaders of the 25 European Union nations went home after a failed two-day summit meeting in anger and in shame, as domestic politics and national interests defeated lofty notions of sacrifice and solidarity for the benefit of all.

Oh dear, oh dear! Those evil things, “domestic politics and national interests” once again trumped “lofty notions of sacrifice and solidarity for the benefit of all.” How could that be? Didn't the Europeans scrap human nature when they formed the European Union? Didn’t they transcend narrow self-interest, selfishness, and atavistic sentiments like patriotism, envy, ambition, and greed?

(for the rest of this article, click on this)

Roger Kimbal, the blogger of this excellent piece of blogging, couldn’t have been more insightful on the ills of Europe’s sins.

The New York Times, or the American version of Pravda, castigated the rich nations of the EU for being selfish and only concerned of their own interests. WOW! What an absurd idea. What is happening here is the second great Communist experiment via the European Union. Liberals, Socialists, Deaniacs, the Manhattan latte crowd, and the Hollywood Hotshots are looking to create the next Communist experiment.

If having over 70 years of the Soviet Union wasn’t enough evidence that a welfare state does not have legs, much less brains, ergo, the New York Times.

Thank goodness that the Hollywood Honchos and Manhattan Deaniacs have absolutely no say in European affairs. The “No” votes in France and the Netherlands could be the quiet conservative crest rippling through the European political ocean. Once it hits the shores of France and Germany, Sarkozy and Merkel could be the Reagan and Thatcher of continental Europe.


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